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Properties For Sale in Kingsbury NW9

Maximum number of properties displayed per page: 25
Total count of properties found for this search: 2
Total number of properties displayed for this search: 2
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Dollar_lc_agent_underscore used in preg_match is: self_estates

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Dollar_lc_agent_underscore used in preg_match is: arbor_estates

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6 Bedroom House in Crundale Avenue Kingsbury London NW9 England

For Sale at £250,000Available

Large, 3-Bed, 2-Bath, semi-detached house, garage with own drive and many other features on the prestigious Valley Drive estate, 2 minutes walk from Kingsbury Jubilee line Tube

More info/photos/maps ID: 22 Agent: Arbor Estates AID: 3
Total count of properties found for this search: 2
Total number of properties displayed for this search: 2