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Country Profile:
Country name: England, one of the 4 constituent countries of the UK
Head of State: HM Queen Elizabeth II
Capital City: To be decided
Population: 56.29 million
GDP: $2.5 trillion
Courtesy: Google

One of the four constituent countries of the UK


Pop: 2.93 mil


Pop: 2.84 mil


Pop: 2.33 mil


Pop: 1.42 mil

These are the four largest cities in England outside the UK capital London (Source: Statista 2019). It has been argued that since London belongs to the UK as a whole, it should be treated as a separate entity, much like the Australian capital, Canberra, belonging as it does to a specially created 'state', the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). To do otherwise risks exacerbating the already fissiparous tendencies that we are witnessing. The alternative could be a rotating UK capital, a very expensive and cumbersome proposition. We plan to set up a blog system and will invite views from the public on this and other matters, such as, if England were to have its own capital, just as the other Home Countries do, where should it be.

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